Membership is voluntary and open to Indian citizens based in India only and shall be recognized only through concerned Indian mobile numbers of members/family members enrolled and as registered with or registered with Titan Company Limited (“Company”).
No physical membership cards will be issued to the customers/members/family members.
While making purchases at Tanishq, Zoya, MIA, World of Titan, Fastrack, Helios, Titan Eye plus & Taneira outlets across India, mention encircle membership number or registered mobile number to the cashier before billing. Points will be credited only when membership number is provided while billing. Please ensure to check mobile number matching with your name and update us with change of mobile number through our website or customer care help desk at 18001084826 only.
Member can also earn encircle points while making purchases at Company's online website (E-commerce website) & also at Customer required to link his/her encircle membership number with his/her account profile in website to earn encircle points. Points will credited only after successful delivery of order. Please ensure to check mobile number & email id is matching with your name and update us for any change through our website or customer care help desk at 18001084826 only.
Please note that the purchase of gold coins/bars & silver articles are excluded from the Titan Encircle program.
Reward points can be redeemed at Tanishq, Zoya, MIA, World of Titan, Fastrack, Helios, Titan Eye plus & Taneira outlets across India & also at E-commerce websites(, The value of one point is equal to Rupee 1. However, reward points cannot be redeemed for cash. Members will be required to present the membership number/mobile number at the time of redemption of the reward points for offline purchase. Customer required to link his/her encircle membership number with his/her account profile in E-commerce website to redeem encircle points.
By enrolling into the Titan encircle program at any Titan store through enrollment form, Tabs or enrolling through E-commerce websites you agree that you have read the terms & conditions that govern the Titan encircle program and that you accept them. As an encircle member you will also start receiving promotional communication from all Titan brands.
The encircle reward Points issued by Company to the members/family members are free and is without any consideration to be payable by member/family members who is/are enrolled. The allotment & redemption of reward points will be solely at the discretion of Company and no right created to the Customer/member/family member and is a privilege given to a customer/member/family member.
Titan encircle program benefit cannot be clubbed with any other offer or discount, viz. reward points will not be awarded in the following cases.
Special offers / promotions / items excluded by the management
Points Earning/Accrual will not be applicable during the following schemes: Activation/Consumer scheme, Best Buy, End Of Season Sale(EOSS), Discount given during all exchange offers, Gift With Purchase offer
Against the purchase of gold coins/bars & silver articles.
Against purchase of Gift Vouchers, Titan Gift Cards & Extended Maintenance Guarantee card.
Member's signature is subject to verification at the time of purchase or redemption.
Unless specifically gift the accrued points by the member, the name on the invoice should be the same as the registered name in the Encircle program for successful earning of points and redemption of points.
Subject to terms and conditions mentioned herein, only encircle member can gift the accumulated reward points to his family and friends and all such gift shall be made through only
One Time Password is mandatory for redeeming the available points so customer should carry their register mobile number while redeeming encircle points at Company's' outlet. OTP will be sent to their registered mobile# while billing is done & the same should be shared with cashier for point redemption.
Redemption of reward points by relative or friend of encircle member shall be subject to production of appropriate photo ID proof and address proof issued by Government agency and as updated by encircle member in and the sufficiency of any address/ID proof documents is as decided by Company and is at the sole discretion of Company which is final and binding.
No cash refund will be entertained for purchases made by redeeming reward points in the case of purchase returns.
Reward Points once redeemed against a purchase can in no event be re-credited unless there is return & exchange of the product and upon such return and exchange the points will be reversed to the members account and it will be made available for his next purchase/exchanged product. Redemption of Reward points cannot be clubbed with Enrollment Voucher/Gift Voucher redemption.
The points credited to the account of the member shall not be redeemed in cash.
The credit of reward points against purchases will take at least 2 days in case purchases made at Company's outlet & 16 days in case purchases made at, 90 days in case of from the invoice date to reflect in the member's account. However, Titan Company Ltd. shall not be responsible for any delay in having the reward points credited into the member's account.
Reward points will be given on invoice value net of encircle points redeemed.
Titan Encircle membership is valid for Lifetime.
Reward points & Tiers will be valid for 24 months from the month of last transaction. If not redeemed within 24 months from the date of last accrual, at the Quarter end of the 24th month, such reward points shall lapse. However, subject to the validity mentioned herein, in case of gift of reward points, by a member to his family and friends, the validity is only for 6 (Six) months from the date of such gift.
Points validity will extend only when the member Earn or Redeem Points.
For details of Tiers, details of earning of points and upgrading of the Tiers please refer to and Titan Company Limited reserves the right to change/modify the terms and conditions of Tiers, its applicability and up gradation thereof from time to time.
Titan encircle Welcome Gift Vouchers are valid for Six months from the member enrollment date.
Titan encircle Birthday & Wedding anniversary offer will be active in member’s account for 30 days(15 days before Birthday/Wedding anniversary day & 15 days after Birthday/Wedding anniversary day)
Member can avail any Birthday/Anniversary offer of their choice at any channel only once. Offer will be active in members account for 30 days (15 days before & after Birthday or Wedding anniversary day). Birthday/Wedding anniversary day offer cannot be clubbed with any ongoing offer. Fastrack, WOT & Helios offer can be availed for maximum upto Rs.1500 only. Titan Eyeplus offer is valid only on House brands & not valid on Titan Ace lenses. Flat 10% off on sarees at Taneira, not applicable on stitching of blouses, finishing services (fall, pico, etc). Member will not be eligible for Points accrual if offer is clubbed with any on going offer. SKINN offer can be availed for maximum UPTO Rs 1000. Tanishq Birthday or Wedding anniversary is UPTO 10% off on Diamond Jewellery & Gold making charges
Titan Encircle Gift Voucher
Titan Encircle Gift voucher can be activated by Member as well as Non member
Gift voucher validity changes from one Campaign to another
If a Non encircle member is trying to activate the Gift voucher then he will be enrolled as a member & then points will get credited to members Titan encircle account
If existing encircle member is trying to activate then post successful validation required points will be credited to his/her titan encircle account
To redeem Points at Showroom or online, user has to mention the same Mobile number used to activate the Gift Voucher
Gift Voucher can be used only once
Each Titan encircle point is worth Re 1
Multiple GVs cannot be redeemed using one mobile number
Now members can Refer their Friends to Titan Encircle program & Earn Bonus Points
Confirmation message will trigger to both Referrer as well as Referral
Referral need to register themselves on the link which they have received on their mobile by validating their Registered mobile number through OTP & keying in other details
Referral will be registered with Titan Encircle program post above step
Now members can avail encircle Benefits & Privileges along with their Friends & Families by creating a Friends & Family account at
Member initiating addition of member is Primary member.
Member being added to a Family & Friends account is Secondary member.
Only 9 members can be added in a Friends & Family(F&F) account by Primary member.
Only Friend, Husband, Wife, Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, son & Daughter can be added in Friends & Family account.
Shared OTP has to be validated within fifteen minutes from its delivery at Primary & secondary member end.
All member points will be pooled in to single account in a F&F account.
Points earning & burning will happen from the same account for all F&F members.
When members are De-linked from the account, De-linked member can’t reclaim his pooled points in a F&F account.
Highest tier in the group will be applicable for all members of group.
Linking & De-linking will be effective within 24 hours from its initiation.
When Goods are returned by De-linked member for the items which he/she bought when he/she was a F&F member in the account, at the time points will be credited back to F&F account but not to his individual account.
When member is De-linked, he will be assigned to tier of the group or to the tier which he/she belonged while becoming a member in F&F account (whichever is Lowest tier).
The Highest tier in the group will be mapped to all members & it will be a Group Tier.
Points earning will be on Group Tier.
Eligible amount of all group member will be considered for tier upgrade.
Primary & authorized members have privilege of redeeming pooled points from the group.
If secondary member use the Pooled points and moves out of the group and then does GRN then points reversal will be effected to group (i.e. Points redemption will reverse to source account).
If Primary member is blocked then rest of secondary cards should get De-linked.
If primary member is active and later, if primary member is Blocked then all the members (primary + secondary’s) will get equal point
If secondary member gets blocked then that member will be De-linked automatically. Family points will still remain with family. Secondary member who got blocked basis, which he was De-linked automatically will move with zero point balance and tier would become either his original tier or the family tier whichever is lowest.
Communication is sent to both parties once linking or De-linking is successful.
De-linking process can be initiated by primary or secondary member
The group will dissolve if primary member is De-linked from the group and all secondary members will fall back to Tier at which they have entered the group. All secondary member will be Delinked with tier whichever is lowest “entered tier” or “group tier” and points will be distributed equally
After De-linking the members will fall back to Tier at which they have entered the group
Individual Member Tier Upgrade & Downgrade rules are applicable in F&F account tier upgrade & downgrade also. If members are not able to accumulate required points to retain the tier within stipulated time then tier will be downgraded to one level below. Attained Tier is valid for 24 months from the upgrade/downgrade date
Some facilities and benefits offered to members of the Titan Encircle program which may be provided by any organization/s with whom Company have some arrangements however, over which Company have no control. Company does not guarantee or warranty that, such benefits and facilities will be available, nor will it be liable for any loss or damage arising from the provision or non- provision, whether in whole or in part, of any such benefits or facilities. However, in the event of any problems faced in availing such benefits or facilities, members are requested to inform the Company.
The Titan Encircle membership is only for individual use and not for corporate purchases. The Titan Encircle membership is non-transferable.
At any point, the Company reserves the right to withdraw, alter/modify any or all of the membership issued. Company will have limited liability to the encircle member, only to the extent of the points available in the credit of the member's account. At any point in time, the Company shall not be liable to the Primary Member or his/her Family Members/Friends for any inter-se disputes between them.
For breach of any of these terms and conditions by the member or failure to pay for purchases made, the member shall lose his accumulated reward points.
Titan Company Ltd. reserves the right to refuse to award points or redeem accumulated points, for any breach of these conditions or failure to pay for purchases.
Company will maintain and update in electronic form data that is provided by Members at the time of enrollment or through subsequent contact. Company reserves hereby the right and Member/family member hereby agrees & authorize Company to share his/her data with agencies or organizations for the provision of member services, facilities & benefits and on requirement of any Government agencies/authorities.
Titan Encircle membership will be issued solely at the discretion of the management and the final decision on all matters relating to the membership shall rest with Titan Company Ltd.
This membership is not valid for the staff of Titan Company Ltd, Business Associates including staff of Business Associates of Titan Company Ltd., unless specially approved.
At the sole discretion of the Company, all special offers, updates & account activity details will be communicated to the respective encircle Primary Member/Family Member/his/her Friend through SMS, direct mail and/or email. However, Company shall not be responsible in any manner for any loss, delayed, incorrect or incomplete communications.
Being a part of Titan Encircle program encircle members hereby authorize Titan Company Limited to call/sms/email to communicate on offers from us or any company associated with us
Members are requested to update any change in their address and profile from time to time. Contact the Titan encircle desk at our outlets or write to: Netcarrots Loyalty Services, ‘Legacy’, 6, Convent Road, 1st Floor, Richmond Road, Bangalore-560025, India. Email: to update any change in their address and profile other than mobile number. Members are required to send a communication from their registered email id to our customer care help desk at or make a call at out customer care contact number 18001084826 only to update any change in their mobile number.
Company reserves the right to change, cancel and modify the terms & conditions, reward structure relating to the Titan encircle Program including discontinuation of the program itself. Company will not be held responsible if any of the participating brands withdraw from the Titan encircle program.
In the event of a dispute between Primary Member and Company and/or between Family Member/Friend of Primary Member and Company, with regard to or in relation to the Titan encircle program, the decision of Company shall be deemed final. All such disputes shall be subject to exclusive jurisdiction of Courts at Bangalore only.
Titan Eye+ Promo codes discount terms
Discount code is applicable on all products except sunglasses.
You can avail discount up to 10% on the billing amount except taxes
Discount code is valid till 31st March 2025
Titan Company reserves the right to change/ modify/ cancel discount structure
Partner offers Terms & Conditions
Collaborative engagements with various Brands, other than Titan brands on Titan Encircle website.
By exploring the collaborative engagement initiatives, You confirm that You have read and understood these terms and conditions that you agree to be bound by.
The opportunity to explore collaborative engagement is only for citizens of India.
You must be adults having attained the age of eighteen (18) years.
You should be an existing customer of Titan.
You accept full responsibility for choosing to explore on your own accord the collaborative initiative posted on the Titan Encircle Website.
Your decision to explore the collaborative initiative will navigate you to the other Brand’s website which You agree is your own decision and any offer you accept on such website is your sole decision.
Under no circumstances shall Titan including its directors, employees, officers, affiliates or subsidiaries, be liable to You and/or any third party for any lost opportunity, indirect, special, consequential, incidental, or punitive damages whatsoever.
Titan does not make any commitment, express or implied, to respond to any of Your feedback, suggestion and/or queries.
Titan through this collaborative engagement does not recommend You to either explore the other Brand or avail the Offer from the other Brand.
The collaborative engagement initiative is governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable laws in India. All matters arising under and in this connection, are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts at Bangalore.
Your exploration of the collaborative engagement initiative will be deemed acceptance of the above terms and conditions.
Titan Encircle Valentines day exclusive Terms & Conditions
As an Encircle member you enjoy a special discount of 5% on the products listed on the encircle website page-
Offer is valid from 3rd Feb till 14th Feb 2023 only on the above mentioned URL.
This offer is an online exclusive offer & eligible for the products listed on only. This offer is not available on our retail stores.
Additional discount can be availed by applying promo code "ENCVAL", at the time of checkout from the brand site.
Coupon code can be applied in "Enter Voucher Code" section in the cart page.
Gift Card & Encircle points can be redeemed on this offer
The coupon is applicable on select discounted and non-discounted items.
Company has the right to withdraw the offer any time without prior notice.
This coupon cannot be clubbed with any other offer/code.
This coupon will not be applicable if order is returned.
The coupon will be applicable only once per customer.
For any queries, contact our customer care.
This offer is valid till the stock last.
Titan Encircle EazyDiner Terms & Conditions
The offer is valid on purchase only of the products listed on , that are part of the Valentine's Day collection. The purchase needs to get completed using the discount code ENCVAL.
The coupon code to take this membership free , would be provided via sms from Titan Co post product purchase within 3 days of purchase
The offer is valid for EazyDiner users only, so to get complimentary membership the user needs to register on EazyDiner using the link provided.
The offer is valid for 3 months EazyDiner Prime membership.
The memberships unlock deals with 25% to 50% discounts at over 2000 restaurants in India and Dubai.
All 1+1 deals are valid for a minimum of 2 guests. Example - In the case of 3 guests, 2 guests will be charged, and 1 guest will eat for free, in the case of 5 guests, 3 guests will be charged, and 2 guests will eat for free.
Please inform the restaurant about your reservation through EazyDiner upon your arrival at the restaurant to have a hassle-free experience.
EazyDiner shall not be liable for the experience at the partner restaurant as we only assist in fulfilling the reservations with the special offers
EazyDiner shall not be liable if any restaurant is temporarily or permanently shut
The offer money cannot be refunded in cash or kind for any reason whatsoever.
Not all restaurants bookable on EazyDiner will have prime deals. Some restaurants may also have non-prime deals. All discounts are mentioned clearly against each deal for all restaurants bookable on EazyDiner.
The restaurants and the offers are dynamic as we constantly improve the product, hence the offers at restaurants may change without any prior notice. In case there are any concerns, please call the EazyDiner Prime Concierge at 786 100 4400
The highlighted savings of Rs.1000 are for a table of 4 and on a blended average in over 2000+ premium restaurants. These savings may vary depending on the number of people dining per table and the average cost per diner.
Mother's Day offer's Taneira Terms & Conditions
Promo code will be applied on cart value above ₹1000/-
Maximum discount is ₹1000/-
Above promotion is not applicable on Gift Cards & Discounted Products.
Above Promotion will be applied only for registered / Logged in customers.
Above Promotion can be applied once per user and cannot be clubbed with other offers
Products purchased on this offer can be returned
Offer valid till 31st May 2023
Titan Company Ltd reserves all the rights to modify, change or cancel this offer anytime without any prior intimation.
Encircle- IPL PlayOff 2023 Terms & Conditions
One must login & become an Encircle member to take part in this contest.
One must guess both the answers correctly to qualify.
One lucky winner will be announced from the correct answers next day of the corresponding match post 12PM. Details of the lucky winner will be published on the leader board.
Announcement of the mega lucky winner will be done on 29th May 2023. The Mega winner needs to get all answers correct every day.
Titan Company Ltd. is the sole authority and reserves all the rights towards this contest. All participants are bound to abide by the organization’s decision.
We are happy to present to you Titan Encircle electronic gift cards (“Gift Card”). The Gift Cards are issued by Titan Company Limited (“Titan”). If you purchase a Gift Card, you agree and accept these terms and conditions.
This Gift Card can be redeemed at Titan World, Helios, Sonata, Fastrack, Titan Eye +, SKINN, Taneira , Tanishq, Mia and IRTH stores (“Stores”) or on the corresponding brand websites (except Titan Eye+ & Helios websites).
The Gift Card is available in the following denominations- 500, and multiples of 500 up to Rs. 10,000. For customers the min value of card that be bought for is Rs 500.
The Gift Card, once purchased, cannot be cancelled, refunded, or returned.
You can combine a maximum of 10 Gift Cards in a single order at the time of checkout.
The Gift Card cannot be redeemed for cash or credit. Further, this Gift Card cannot be reloaded.
A Gift Card cannot be used to purchase other Gift Cards.
If the order value exceeds the Gift Card amount, the balance must be paid by credit card/debit card/internet banking/UPI. The cash on delivery payment option cannot be used to pay the balance amount.
In case of cancelled or a return of a product, the Gift Card value cannot be reversed. Instead, it will be settled by a credit note.
The validity of the Gift Card is for a period of 6 (Six) months from the date of activation of the Gift Card and it cannot be extended in any case.
The Gift Card can be used only once. If the value of the product is more, the remaining amount should be paid by using the alternative payment instrument acceptable at the POS/ Payment gateway. If the value of the product is lesser than the gift card amount, remaining amount will get lapsed.
The Gift Card load value can be checked at the Encircle website.
Titan Company Limited (“Titan”) shall have no obligation to replace a Gift Card which has been lost or stolen or stolen or used without permission. You are solely responsible for the safety or security of the Gift Card.
Titan reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the Gift Card at its sole discretion.
All disputes arising out of or in connection to this scheme are subject to exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Bangalore, India only.
Gift voucher will be activated 72 hrs post issuance.
Terms and Conditions for Women's Day with Fun & Rewards
How to Play:
To participate in the Event, you must:
Watch closely! You’ll see a pattern of cards for 10 seconds.
Your job is to match two cards of the same kind. Easy, right?
You’ve got 15 seconds to make all your matches—race against the clock!
Play as many times as you like, but you can only claim your points once during the campaign.
Winning Points:
Score 60 points? You win a Rs 100 Gift Voucher!
Voucher T&C:
Valid till 8th March 2025
One-time use on non-discounted products.
Only at Titan stores.
Terms and Conditions for the Chocolate-Making Workshop
Event Overview:
This Chocolate-Making Workshop (Event) is organized by Titan Company Limited. The workshop will take place on 27th July 2024, starting from 3:00 PM at Hotel Hindustan International, Kolkata. By registering for this Event, you (Participant) confirm that you have read and understood these terms and that you agree to be bound by and comply with these terms. Non-compliance with or breach of any of the terms may result in disqualification from the Event and forfeiture of any related benefits.
Participants must be adults who are eighteen (18) years or older at the time of the Event.
The Event is open only to Indian citizens residing in India. Citizens and/or residents of countries other than India are not eligible to participate. Titan may require relevant documentary proof to verify eligibility.
Registration Requirements:
To participate in the Event, you must:
Register in advance as seats are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Complete the registration form and make the payment of the Event fee, if applicable.
Adhere to all safety guidelines and conduct yourself appropriately during the Event.
Workshop Content:
The workshop will include Chocolate-Making Session, Fun Games and Activities, Tasting Experience, Interactive Q&A, and much more. Participants are required to follow the instructions provided by the facilitators during the Event.
Participants must treat the facilitators and other attendees with respect.
Titan reserves the right to remove any participant who does not adhere to the Event guidelines.
Titan, including its directors, employees, officers, affiliates, or subsidiaries, shall not be liable for any personal injury, loss of property, or any indirect, special, consequential, incidental, or punitive damages. Titan is not responsible for any injury or trauma caused to participants during the Event.
Photography and Videography:
By attending the Event, participants consent to being photographed or recorded for promotional purposes without additional compensation or permission, unless prohibited by law.
Changes to Terms:
Titan reserves the right to modify these terms at its sole discretion. The Event is void where prohibited by law and is subject to all applicable national and local laws.
Governing Law:
The Event shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable laws of India. All disputes related to the Event will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in Bangalore.
Titan Encircle Dubai Loyalty Program Terms & Conditions
Membership is voluntary and open to individuals who have attained the age of 18 and who are residents of the United Arab Emirates or Indian Citizens visiting the United Arab Emirates. Members shall be recognized through concerned individual’s UAE or Indian mobile numbers registered with the Company and verification of their address.
The Titan Encircle Program membership is non-transferable.
No physical membership cards will be issued to the enrolled members.
Reward points can be redeemed only at any Company operated stores and/or kiosks of the brands "Tanishq" and "Titan" across UAE ("Stores"). It may be noted that points cannot be availed or redeemed, as the case may be, for purchases made from stores of authorised dealers.
To earn points, while making purchases at the Stores across UAE, members shall be required to mention their Encircle Membership number or registered mobile number to the cashier before billing. Points will be credited only when membership number or registered mobile number is provided while billing. Please ensure to check mobile number matching with your name and update us with change of mobile number by visiting the stores or by calling the store at +971 42281458, +971 565475393.
The value of one point is equal to AED 1. However, reward points cannot be redeemed for cash.
Encircle Reward Points issued by Company to the members are free and is without any consideration to be paid by member who is enrolled. The allotment and redemption of reward points will be solely at the discretion of Company.
Titan Encircle Program benefit cannot be clubbed with any other offer or discount, viz. reward points will not be awarded in the following cases:
Special offers / promotions / items excluded by the management
Points Earning/Accrual will not be applicable during the following schemes: Activation/Consumer scheme, Best Buy, End Of Season Sale(EOSS), Discount given during all exchange offers, Gift With Purchase offer
Against the purchase of gold coins/bars and silver articles.
Against purchase of Gift Vouchers, Gift Cards & Extended Maintenance Guarantee card.
The name on the invoice should be the same as the registered name in the Encircle Program for successful earning of points and redemption of points.
One Time Password is mandatory for redeeming the available points, so Members should carry their phone with the registered mobile number while redeeming Encircle points at Company's' outlet. OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number while billing is done and the same should be shared with cashier for point redemption.
Redemption of reward points by relative or friend of an Encircle Member shall be subject to production of appropriate photo ID proof and address proof issued by Government authority and the sufficiency of any address/ID proof documents is as decided by Company and is at the sole discretion of Company, which is final and binding.
Reward Points once redeemed against a purchase can in no event be re-credited unless there is return or exchange of the product and upon such return and/or exchange, the points will be reversed to the Member’s account and it will be made available for their next purchase/exchanged product. No cash refund will be entertained for purchases made by redeeming reward points in the case of purchase returns.
The credit of reward points against purchases will take at least 2 days from the invoice date to reflect in the Member's account. However, Titan shall not be responsible for any delay in having the reward points credited into the member's account.
Reward points will be given on invoice value net of Encircle Points redeemed.
Titan Encircle membership is valid for Lifetime.
Reward points and Tiers will be valid for 24 months from the month of last transaction. If not redeemed within 24 months from the date of last transaction, such reward points shall lapse.
For details of Tiers, details of earning of points and upgrading of the Tiers please refer to and the Company reserves the right to change/modify the terms and conditions of Tiers, its applicability and up gradation thereof from time to time.
Encircle Program "Birthday and Wedding anniversary" offer will be active in member’s account for 30 days (15 days before Birthday/Wedding anniversary day and 15 days after Birthday/Wedding anniversary day). Member can avail any Birthday/Anniversary offer of their choice only once during the validity of this offer. Birthday/Wedding anniversary day offer cannot be clubbed with any ongoing offer. The offers shall vary from time to time and may be checked at the applicable store/kiosk.
For purchase of Tanishq products for a customer’s Birthday or Wedding anniversary, discount is UPTO 10% off on Diamond Jewellery and Gold making charges.
Some facilities and benefits may be offered to Members of the Titan Encircle Program by organization/s with whom the Company have some arrangements, over which Company has no control. Company does not guarantee or warrants that such benefits and facilities will be available, nor will it be liable for any loss or damage arising from the provision or non- provision, whether in whole or in part, of any such benefits or facilities. Company will not be held responsible if any of the participating brands withdraw from the Titan Encircle Program. However, in the event of any problems faced in availing such benefits or facilities, Members are requested to inform the Company.
At any point, the Company reserves the right to withdraw, alter/modify any or all of the membership issued. Company will have limited liability to the Encircle Member, only to the extent of the points available in the credit of the Member's account.
For breach of any of these terms and conditions by the Member or failure to pay for purchases made, the Member shall lose his accumulated reward points.
Titan reserves the right to refuse award points or redeem accumulated points, for any breach of these conditions or failure to pay for purchases.
Company will maintain and update in electronic form, data that is provided by Members at the time of enrolment or through subsequent contact. You herby consent and permit the Company to share your data to the Company’s parent companies, associate and affiliates, with agencies or organizations for the provision of Member services, facilities and benefits and on requirement of any Government agencies/authorities.
Titan Encircle Program membership will be issued solely at the discretion of the Company and the final decision on all matters relating to the membership shall rest with the Company.
This membership is not valid for the staff of the Company, Business Associates including staff of Business Associates of the Company, unless specially approved.
Company reserves the right to change, cancel and modify the terms & conditions, reward structure relating to the Titan Encircle Program including discontinuation of the Program itself.